Saturday, November 15, 2014

November - Autumnal colour remains, and we have our first sloes!

November already!

The woeful lack of posting on this blog speaks more of the lack of time, than the absence of activity....

Still, not good enough and priorities will have to be changed!

We have had days of wind and rain, causing much flooding in the local area, 

The odd gaps in the deluge reveal the garden still ablaze with points of colour, mainly form the berries barks and vestigial leaves.

Ernie - our new cat (7 months) on his daily expedition into the garden

our wee river in spate after the rain

all that's left of our mighty willow - rain and winds have taken their toll this year

Ernie on the prowl

subtle reds of the willow hedge


the last of the rowan leaves punctuate the mountainscape

Charlie catches some welcome sunshine

day lilies - more spectacular than they were in summer! that's a flock of starlings rising from the field behind

the felt studio- behind fuchsia bush

tight-rope walker!

rose hips

guelder rose hips (viburnum opulus)

Vincent's Oak

another vibrant willow

at the bottom of the garden

more, different rose hips!

looking across the valley

our first sloes - from the blackthorn hedge we planted in 2012

changeable times

the more I look at this field wall the more I see a circular enclosure