Monday, December 01, 2014

The Felting Studio - Part 3: hole in the wall gang

Once the floor was levelled, boulders re-homed and paving slabs laid, we could see what a great space this was to be.

But before we could tidy up the walls and add services, we had to bite the bullet and knock through to the new Turnip House.

Turnip House. Our business name for over 27 years now. An odd choice you might think! 

Well, we started in a turnip house. The first building we used as a knitting room had been where the root crops were stored on the farm. These, often turnips, were used to give food to sheep and cattle in the lean winter months when grass growth was poor - and before the advent of silage.

more about this here:

Turnips - places, artifacts, and serendipity.

You could say the name grew on us. Suitably rustic, crafty, and weird, it was just us and has served so well!

When we moved up to our new project in 2010, little did we know that when clearing a heap of stones outside what would become the new workshop we found this:

Turnip Mangle

A turnip cutter or turnip mangle.

Well, it follows that if there was a turnip cutter, there must have been a turnip house. 

So we are still at home!

To Work,

The hole goes here:

in the right hand corner
 You can see from the degraded plaster that there are some big stones here - these are solid Ballymagreehan granite 'quoins'

beautiful stones - but massive

breakthrough- the view from the other side

small beginnings

a hands breadth

that's about the size we need
 It is a truism that if you ever want to make a hole in a stone wall, you always end up with a much bigger one than you wish for.

hang on though ... look at the size of that

Demolition needs to be very carefully done. For this big fellow we laid down two layers of pallets, stood well back - and pushed. Thankfully it worked and we didn't break the new floor, or demolish more of the wall!

almost there

still need to move one more big one

this sticks out just a little too far (you can also see the structure of the floor in the Turnip House)

not a lot holding that up - time to rebuild quick!

the hole at it's biggest viewed from the top

Ernie inspects

Once demolition was safely completed we put timber frames up and filled in the holes we didn't want.

Old scaffolding boards make excellent headers

doorway complete

removing the last stone - only just!

Once the main structure was there  (- what a relief) we brought the painters in:

a key member of the team, flown in specially!
nice & bright
In the next and final post about this you'll see that we have finally finished the fit out, and are enjoying this fabulous space.

the view on one side, up to Slievenaboley

and opposite, down into the garden

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